Setting user preferences is only possible once logged in with a user account. Once you are logged in, you can access the user preferences section by clicking on your name in the top right-hand corner of the site.
Click on Account Settings from this menu to access your preferences.
The Account Settings page is organized in several main sections:
- Default Settings
- Caption Settings
- Page Tools
Default Settings
- Default Google Translate Language - Set a default language for Google Translate. Setting this another language will automatically translate all page text site wide.
- Default Citation Type - Set your favorite citation type. This will determine which option shows up first when the Citation page tool is used.
- Default Embed Code Size - Select a default embed code size that will be used whenever you access the Embed/Link page tool.
- Default Standard Set- Your standard set will always be set on login. You will only have to choose the grade and subject.
- Default Grade Group- You can set a default grade level that will always show the grade content of your choice on login.
- Video Playback:
- Default HD - default HD videos to start playing in HD mode.
- Enable Autoplay - controls whether or not every video will start playing automatically when the player page loads.
- Enable Continuous Play - controls whether or not segments will continue to play in sequential order automatically or not.
- Playlists - Enable Continuous Play by Default - controls whether or not playlists will continue to play in sequential order automatically or not. The default is on.
Caption Settings
Modify the font size, font color, font family and background color of closed caption text displayed in the video player. You may also turn captions on by default instead of having to turn them on manually inside each video.
Page Tools
Page tools can be turned on and off, and reordered to best suit your needs. Simply drag page tools with your mouse from the active or inactive section to control their visibility.
Mouse over any page tool and your mouse will change to a cross-hair icon. Left-click and drag to change the order or move to inactive.
Always remember to save your changes.