My Dashboard

After logging into the Admin Portal (, you will see your dashboard. This contains the following information about your account:


  • Account Information - Here you will find information that we have on file about your account including your support ID, account name, the display name that shows up in the top right corner of the video platform, and the direct authenticated URL for the video platform. You will also see the address information that we have on file for your institution. 
  • Logo - If you have a logo on file with us, you will see it display on the Admin Portal dashboard. If you do not have a logo on file, you can simply contact our Support team to submit one. Horizontal logos are recommended, with 194x60 being the ideal dimensions for display within the platforms.
  • Notifications - This area will display any system notifications relevant for our account admins.
  • Activity Log - This area will display a list of any changes made to your account through the Admin Portal.
  • Sales Representative - This area will display the contact information for your account's sales rep. 
  • Active Subscriptions - This area will display a list of any active video subscriptions that your account has with Infobase Learning. 


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