Activating Google Direct Sign In

This article applies specifically to accounts that have the "Google" option enabled as a permitted partner app. If you are unsure whether this is enabled for your institution, please contact your account Administrator.

The "Allow Google Direct Sign In" checkbox is an option available for users who want to access the platform through their personalized Google accounts. Negating the need for importing users, this feature allows users to access the platform as themselves by completely bypassing the login page, using your School's/Organization's direct access link as an access point. To enable this feature, navigate the admin portal to the "Accounts Settings" tab with the sub selection "Platform Preferences" chosen.


Scroll down the "Platform Preferences" page until you arrive at the "Permitted Partner Apps" section which should already have "Google" enabled as one of the options. In this section the "Allow Google Direct Sign In" checkbox will be available for you to select finalizing the activation process. Remember to hit the "Save Settings" button above on your way out!


** Note: All existing methods of Authentication must be disabled before the above displayed image option will enable your Direct Access Link to bypass the login page. If you require the use of the Direct Google Sign In along with other means of authentication, please contact support**

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