Minimum System Requirements

Minimum and Recommended Browser Requirements for Infobase Interfaces


Infobase is committed to providing our customers with the best possible experience, utilizing the latest available technologies.  Because all Infobase products are cloud-based and do not require any special hardware or software to operate, only general, minimum browser requirements are listed below.  In general, Infobase supports the current and prior major releases of Google Chrome, Safari, Edge, and Firefox on a rolling basis.


Minimum and Recommended Browser Requirements

Google Chrome

The latest version(recommended) plus one previous version(minimum)


The latest version(recommended) plus one previous version(minimum)


The latest version(recommended) plus one previous version(minimum)

Microsoft Edge

The latest version(recommended) plus one previous version(minimum)


** Our best efforts will be made to implement the highest level of support we can for browsers even if they are not listed above, however, some functionality may appear degraded, and/or features may be unavailable.


Minimum and Recommended Screen Resolutions

There is no one recommended screen size as Infobase builds all of its resources to be responsive and transform to work on all different platforms and browsers.  Infobase products are designed for desktop displays from 1024×768 through 1920×1080+.  Mobile displays from 360×640 through 414×896+, and for tablet displays from 601×962 through 1280×800+.


Mobile Device Support

All Infobase products are architected and built to be fully functional on any mobile device, using the device's native web browser.  Apple, Android, and Google Chrome-based devices are fully supported.

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