Having Trouble Logging In?
1. Search for the email We'll send the email from "noreply@infobase.com," so you can quickly search for it. If it isn't in your inbox, check your folders. If a spam filter or email rule moved the...
How to Access Topic Centers
There are currently several different ways to view Topic Centers on Learn360, please see below for more details on how to access them. Homepage 1. From the homepage, you will find a new "Topic Ce...
L360 Overview/QuickStart Guide
Not a Learn360 subscriber? Take a free trial!
How do I request a free trial?
Institutions interested in learning more about our online products are welcome to a free trial. To register, please click on the link below. A representative will contact you with login instructi...
How to Sign In with a Google Account
Users have the ability to link their Google account with their Learn360 user account. Linking accounts allows for one-click login access to the platform using the "Sign in with Google" button on al...
Username and Password Guidelines
Generic school and district usernames and passwords must follow the below guidelines. Usernames must be at least 4 characters long Usernames may only contain letters, numbers, underscores, and hyp...
Publisher’s Inclusion Statement
Infobase believes that educational materials should foster cross-cultural understanding, reflect diverse experiences, and expose multiple viewpoints. We know that when students engage with varied...
Using the Learn360 G Suite App as a Teacher or Student
Note - your Google G Suite Admin must have previously installed the Learn360 app for your domain. If you do not see the Learn360 app as shown below, please contact them for assistance. Installing...
Welcome to the Brand-New Learn360 Platform- Archived Webinar
Recorded on: 9/9/2019