Retreiving your username and resetting your password

If you have forgotten your username, or need help resetting your password, there are several options throughout the site to assist you with both functions.

From the main login page:

At the bottom of the main login page is a link labeled, "Having trouble logging in?" Click on the link to expose two options:

  1. Retrieve Username
  2. Reset Your Password


1. Retrieve Username

Clicking Retrieve Username will prompt you to enter your email address. If you have a single user account associated with your email address, an email will be sent to you containing your account information. If you happen to have multiple user accounts associated to the same email, you will need to contact our technical support department for further assistance.

2. Reset Your Password

You can change or reset your password by providing your username. Clicking on the Reset Your Password link will prompt you to enter your username. An email will be sent to the email address associated with your account and contain a link to help you reset your password. If you do not receive an email from us, please contact our technical support department for further assistance.


From the Your Profile menu:

If you are already logged into the site with the generic account, you can click on the Having trouble logging in link from within this menu to expose the same two options described above.


From the page tools:

If you are already logged into the site with the generic account, you can click on the forgot password link inside any page tool, located on the search results or view pages. Add To and Segment are two examples of where this is possible.



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