If your institution is using Clever, you have the option of enabling support for Clever single sign-on access from within your admin portal. This admin portal setting controls two functions related to Clever:
- Displaying of the Log in with Clever button on all login pages.
- Access to your Learn360 accounts from the Clever Dashboard via the Learn360 Clever app.
Before Clever can be used, this feature must be enabled within your admin portal. If it is left disabled, everyone will be redirected to the main login page from the Clever app, and the Log in button will not be visible.
To enable Clever:
- Login to your admin portal at https://admin.infobase.com
- Under the Product Settings dropdown, select Integrations
- Click on the Clever On/Off switch to enable this feature. If it is on, you should now see the blue ON indicator on the left side.
- Click Save at the bottom of this page
By default, this feature is turned off. The Clever integration is an optional, FREE feature.
Bypassing the Infobase Account Merge Page:
Once you have turned on Clever in your admin portal, you have the option of entering your Clever District ID to bypass the requirement of linking an existing Infobase user account with a given Clever account.
To enable this bypass feature:
- Check the "Enable Direct Clever Classroom Sign-in" check box next to the Clever toggle after turning the feature ON.
- Enter your Clever District ID in the box provided next to the toggle.
- Click on Save at the bottom of the Integrations page.
All Clever user accounts will be automatically created inside your account as your teachers and/or students access the video platform from their Clever dashboard. You will be able to view and manage these user accounts from your Accounts & Users tab of the admin portal.
For more information on the Learn360 Clever App, please review Learn360 Clever App and the Log in with Clever Button help article.