Embedding Learn360 Content into itslearning

Customers using the itslearning, learning management system, can embed content from Learn360 directly into their courses.  Before content can be embedded, your administrator will need to have installed the Learn360 LTI application.


For more information on requesting and installing this app, please refer to the Requesting and Installing the itslearning LTI Application.


If the Learn360 app has been added, it will appear under the Resources section of the course you are in after pressing the green plus button on your course dashboard.




Click on the Learn360 app shown above to start the process of locating and embedding resources into itslearning.


Enter your desired keyword or phrase in the Learn360 search box and hit ENTER, or click the blue search button.


The search results page offers several functions explained below:

  1. Sorting and Filtering Options:
  1. View By:  Titles & Segments, Titles only, or Segments only.
  2. Sort By:  Relevancy, Newest to Oldest, Most Viewed.
  3. Filter By Subject.
  4. Content Type: Video, Audio, Custom Content, and Feature Films (Canadian Customers Only).
  1. Pagination - Use the pagination controls to skip to other pages of results.
  2. Run Time - View the run time of all media assets.
  3. Preview - Use the preview link to view the video before deciding to embed it.  Clicking on this link opens a new window on top of the existing window.
  4. Embed - Use the embed button to view the embed code required for inserting this resource into itslearning.




Once you have found a resource to embed, click on the Embed button to view the embed code (shown below).  Copy this entire embed code from this pop up window.




After you have copied the embed code, click the green plus sign in the top, right-hand corner again and select Custom Activity from the Activities section.


Enter the title of the resource.  Click the embed code icon and paste the code into the window.




If the embed code is valid, you will be able to see the actual video or audio resource displayed below the Insert button.  To complete the process, click the green Insert button.



You will be returned to the add custom activity screen.  You can specify the deadline for completion and a few other variables at the bottom of this page.  Click the green Save button to complete the process.


Below is an example of how an embedded Learn360 video resource will appear to other participants in the class.



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