The Learn360 URL changed with the launch of our updated platform at the beginning of 2016. Your existing access URLs will automatically redirect to the new platform, but you will need to place the below stanza into the EZProxy configuration file to ensure proxy server authentication works properly. If you have set up EZProxy authentication previously, please do not remove the old stanza (as it is required for the old URLs to redirect properly).
Please do NOT change the URLs you are using to access Learn360 unless directed to do so by Learn360 support. The URLs you are using now will redirect properly once you've set up the additional configuration stanza.
T Learn360
If you are unsure about your Proxy Server Configuration or would like to set up Proxy Authentication for Learn360 for the first time, please contact us directly at
Why am I not able to play certain videos on the platform if I am using EZproxy?
Due to producer and partner licensing restrictions, several producers and collections require digital rights management to further protect the content. Part of this DRM solution involves using HTTPS urls for the content. In order for EZproxy to give remote users access to videos with secure URLs, you must obtain, install, and configure an SSL Certificate.
For more information on our DRM solution, please view the following help article concerning Universal DRM (Digital Rights Management).